Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 6-8 & 10

I'm so sorry to put a few days into one post, however Day Seven was a day of resting & reflecting and my reflection post dealt with that.

I have been following this journey on schedule and I'm just so excited at the changes I am already seeing happen.

So, Day Six was all about creating a mission statement.. I've come up with a few but undecided on which one I will use. I will share one just so you can see.
* My purpose is to express my gift of service and creativity. I value my gift and growing spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I love laughter, music, reading, learning, planning, making others feel beautiful, empowering others, quality time with quality people and love. I am committed to expressing my love in my actions and words. I will make time for those close to me along with specific quality time with my husband and family. I am committed to being a phenomenal wife, leader, daughter, mother and friend. I will lead a healthy lifestyle full of love and in all things I will put God first and give my all in whatever I do. Knowledge and Wisdom are critical. My life is not about me but the lives I touch whether it be through my businesses or casual conversation . I am committed to living this life, fully!

Day 8 was all about keeping a gratitude journal which is something I am already doing. I learned this from another great life coach Shanel Cooper Sykes. I am grateful for all things, good and bad for they all come with a purpose. As my pastor always says "there is purpose in the process". Its something I have to remind myself of but once I do it brings me back to a calm place. I am so ready for where God is taking me and I know that when the fire seems too hot that I am eventually becoming like pure gold.

I hope those of you who read actually consider taking this challenge or at least gain something from me sharing my personal experiences.

My blog is not just about me or my journey but also about plenty other things along with the fabulous people I come across that are smart, gifted, entrepreneurs doing their own thing in this world and making a change.

Its time out for the hating and being mad because you didn't think of something first. There is plenty of room at the top but more importantly on your way to the top encourage and lend your hand to someone who may not know that yet.

the gorgeous dork.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The start of my 10 day fast with my church/Day 9

Today is the beginning of my 10 day fast with the church. I'm on day 9 of my 31 days challenge and coming to an end of my decluttering process. I spend so much time helping other people or encouraging them that I tend to forget about myself or no one is there to do the same for me when I need it. So, today its about me. I'm at work working of course but reading a book, praying and doing my exercise for my 31 day challenge which is creating a life map... this process is extensive and really has put into focus what should've been there all along. I am excited about the woman that I will be after this. Seems like the boat is rocking for some of the people/things in my life... I just pray they can weather the waves and hold on. I genuinely want the best for those close to me along with those who are not so close...for everyone to be honest.

This life mapping is really bringing out some things that I've been putting on the back burner. Things that are making me think, making me plan. I feel like there are going to be some major changes in my life in the very near future.  I can't wait, well let me rephrase that I'm just looking forward to the changes because I feel like they will be great changes.

I've decided to give up Facebook for this 10 day fast, its already giving me more clarity and more time to focus on the things mentioned above. I guess I never looked at how much time and energy I put into facebook before. I usually am playing a game on there or posting inspirational things for my friends and myself along with the morning eye candy which my lady friends look forward to.

I received a message last night on Facebook when I said that I was taking a short break saying "I need you, you don't know how much your posts really help me with my day...please don't go. But, I understand!" Sometimes we aren't aware of the lives we touch but that felt great to receive however it was important for me to give up something that would actually be a sacrifice.

So far, so good...

the gorgeous dork

Monday, October 24, 2011


I was sitting here reflecting over the past couple of years and more so the past couple of weeks. God brings opportunity daily for me, I believe its always been there but I some how blocked it or possibly ignored it. The last couple of weeks have been life changing. All the things that I have participated in that involved mastering being the best me, all seem to make more sense now.

I am an independent consultant for Mary Kay, only for a few months now but my business seems to be working itself. I learn a lot from being a part of this great company and I'm thankful for that. I also was able to meet Oprah at her new Lifeclass which changed my life in such a special way that I will remember it forever. Meeting Oprah was always on my vision board and always something I wanted to happen but after the show ended this past spring I thought that chance was over. However, God heard me and I had put this out into the universe that the opportunity presented itself and I jumped on it. I was supposed to be an actual guest but things turned out differently. Was I mad, no..disappointed, yes. I began to think though...I wasn't specific and the Lord had given me the opportunity to be in her presence so who was I to be disappointed.  What was said that night was the greatest gift and confirmed so much in my life. #grateful

The following week I was given the opportunity to be a chaperone for the trip to D.C with the youth from my church as you saw in another post. I was there, in the presence of all these great people who had impacted the lives of many. I was there...whew! I saw so many people that day, not just the celebrities and well known but people of many backgrounds all there, celebrating the life of a man that made it possible for us to all stand there together. WOW!

Once we made our way over to the actual monument I took my time and read every quote leading up to it. I could see it from afar and my heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. As I got closer to that monument my eyes began to fill with tears, not of sadness but of pride. I was proud as if it were him standing there himself. The detail of the monument, the quotes, the fact that I was there for the dedication among so many other emotions...powerful!

My organization started its seventh year. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be going this long but I have. I have a great team involved and great young ladies. I have to help them, it is my duty. This year seems promising, life changing and one that will stick with the girls forever.

In a week I will have been married to my best friend, my first love for just six months but I am HAPPY. I love that we are growing individually but also growing together. This is something I did not think would actually happen either but God knew my heart and he sent (revealed) that my first love/best friend would be my husband.

I am thankful for all the opportunities that God continues to give me. I'm so not worthy of His love and blessings but He continues to love little ol me. I made a promise that I would continue to touch and change lives...not ever for praise but because I'd love for us ALL to be the best possible in this life. Make yours memorable. Its not about the things, the "stuff" we get but about who's lives we touch.

the gorgeous dork

Day Five


As I take this journey it gets more and more personal so some things just wont be shared, lol. Day five was all about listing the things that are most important to you, listing your values. After we listed these things we then had to pick the top 10 things and put them in another list, our Reset 10 list.

After placing the 10 most important things to you on this list you had to then begin to be honest about (rate yourself from one to ten) on how you fell you are acting out that particular value in your life. Needless to say I'm not acting out highly enough on a few of the things in my Reset 10 list. I was pleased to see that I was acting out highly on majority of them. I just love to see when my hard work at becoming the best me over the last couple years is paying off. A lot of prioritizing but well worth it.

Lastly after you have rated your Reset 10 you need to go through each one and name 3 possible steps that you can take to increase that rating. I'll give one of mine, Financial Freedom- I rated it at about a 5 which is NOT good. If I want Financial Freedom, why am I not taking/making all the steps to achieve this? So, I had to name 3 steps that I can take to make this become a 10.  I have 3 businesses, I need to make more time for whichever is generating the most income, market myself more and simply put in the work.

These exercises are truly helping and I am so thankful that I was asked to do this. I hope that my posts somehow impact or influence you to make some changes. Take the challenge yourself or take a piece of it. Any action towards something you want will make a difference. You want a big change or to see a big impact, then put in lots of work. Faith without works is dead.

the gorgeous dork

Day Four

So... I'm behind with actually posting but I'll catch you up now.

My Reset 10 (in no specific order)
  • Financial Freedom
  • Love
  • Family
  • Service
  • Friendship
  • Healthy Living
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Achievement
  • Wisdom
  • Integrity

10 things that are very important to me...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day Three

Today is actually my day three but I wanted to make sure I got everything posted properly.

After taking an honest assessment of my life, into what I like and dislike in my life currently my assignment was to write my future self a love letter. This love letter is supposed to be viewed 30 days from now, at the end of this journey. I've been writing this letter for about 20 minutes now and it feels damn good to be able to do such a thing. I recommend that you all do it.

I won't share my love letter until after this 31 days is up...I guarantee that my dislikes will be to a minimum for sure.

Here's a template that could be used in writing your future self a love letter.

Dear future [your name here],
Congratulations on all the progress you've made so far! You now have even more to be grateful for in each area of your life, including the following:

  • Lifestyle: You love . . .
  • Work: You love . . .
  • Education: You love . . .
  • Finances: You love . . .
  • Health: You love . . .
  • Family: You love . . .
  • Relationships: You love . . .
Your life is so much better now and it's all because of your hard work.  Keep it up!

[your name here]

~The Gorgeous Dork

Day Two

So.. today was all about really evaluating what you like and dislike in your life.

*What I like about my lifestyle? I love that I'm married but still active in the social scene. I'm not as active as some but I think that I have a pretty good balance of spending time with my husband alone and with others as well as with just the girls or alone. I try to make sure I read often to keep my mind stimulated but I also enjoy television which can be toxic for me. The good thing is I can separate reality from the fantasy world.
*What I dislike about my lifestyle? I'm not so sure I really dislike anything. Perhaps I should cut down on my TV time, that's one thing. Also, I'd love to be able to spend more time with couples. We have found it difficult to find couples that we can actually do things with from time to time .Other than that I'm pretty content with my current lifestyle.

*What do I like about my work? I love that I am employed, point blank. I am able to earn an income in corporate america as well as earn money doing Mary Kay and event planning.
*What I dislike about my work? I dislike that I still work for someone else and I dislike that I work with people who tend to not take their job seriously and half do their jobs.

*What do I like about my education? I like that was able to get a higher education studying international business and that I am constantly studying and reading to gain knowledge on multiple things. Learning is something I am very passionate about.
*What do I dislike about my education? The only thing I might dislike is that I haven't gone back to school to pursue a Masters degree...but, its not something that is really on my list of things to do.

*What do I like about my finances? I like that I have some and I am better at money management than I've ever been.
*What I dislike about my finances? I dislike that I don't have more and that I have spent the last years out of college paying off unecessary debt that I accumulated in school. I dislike that it has taken me long to get it together financially.

*What I like about my health?I like that I am mentally, spiritually and physically stable. My spiritual health improves daily along with my mental health. I am working on being physically healthier. I am thankful to God that I am alive and well everyday and able to do the things I love. I don't take either of them for granted.
*What I dislike about my health? I dislike being heavier but it is something I am working on and thanks to God I see results. I am learning to love my body and the more I learn to love it the more He helps me get it in better shape. My mind, body and soul are alright!!!

*What I like about my family? I love the fact that I have a family that is close.I have plenty of family members that I can call on when I need them. I love that my family gets together on holidays and reunions but also random meet ups as well. I love that we can pray together and grow together. I love having my own family now with my husband and my new daughter. I can only imagine what it will be like when I actually become a mother.
*What I dislike about my family? I actually don't dislike anything about my family. If I had to say one thing it would be that I'm not a mother yet however I know that everything happens in God's time.

*What I like about my relationships? My current friendships and marriage are pretty solid. I love that. I've spent the last few years trying to make sure that I rid myself of toxic people and thankfully I've been able to do that. Most of my friendships have survived some major storms and that I am grateful for. What's the point of keeping the ones who disappear when the weather gets bad. My marriage is solid, we love each other to life and can come to each other about anything. We are an evenly yoked couple and that's blessed!
*What I dislike about my relationships? currently nothing.

So there... this is me and where I am today on these topics 10-20-11.

Grateful, Blessed beyond Measure and Happy... you can be too!
~the gorgeous dork.
Definitely Fitting for me!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day One of a 31 Days to a BETTER ME!

If anyone knows me, they know that I am always striving to be a better "me".  I think I am addicted to becoming great, does that mean I'm stressing myself out everyday to be something "extra"..No! I am just a firm believer that I can't look for anyone else to make me great except me so I participate in a lot of lifestyle classes, challenges, etc. 

So much in my life has changed over the last five years that I strive for this. A lot has even changed in the year 2011, they say its the year of revelation and boy has a lot been revealed. I've lost some friends, some loved ones have passed on but I gained a husband and made some of my friendships solid.  I not only want to be a good woman but a good wife, mother, friend, entrepreneur, mentor, etc. So challenging myself daily is a must. 

A friend whom I've only met in the cyber world asked if I would be interested in joining the 31 Days to Reset your life challenge via  . So, I did it! 

For day one we were asked to provide our personal mantra, theme song and to pick a notebook to use throughout the journey and why you picked that particular notebook.

My personal mantra happens to be that Everyday and every way I am becoming better and better & I create value in my life and others lives everyday.

My theme song personally would be either Pieces of Me-Ledisi


Golden-Jill Scott

Bonus: One for the place I'm in in love right now, I'd pick...

As far as my notebook, its a pretty black binder with a pink breast cancer logo. Why? Because its discreet, looks official and its perfect for me.

Looking forward to the outcome of yet another journey that will continue in making me the best me I can be. 

Live, Love, Laugh...and dance like no one is watching. God Bless!
~the gorgeous dork

Friday, October 14, 2011

Washington D.C-MLK Dedication is in full effect! is the day I head out to Washington D.C. with the youth from my church. We are going to the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Monument on the National Mall. How cool, right? I'm a chaperone for three girls ages 10-13 so it shouldn't be so bad. I think its so critical that they be there and witness such a special occasion. I know they know who Dr. King is but to see that and witness the full dedication will be a memory that they will keep with them for life. We plan to tour the national mall and more than likely to visit the Smithsonian. I'm excited for this as I haven't toured D.C. in such a long time it will be like a new experience for me as well. I'm also excited that our wonderful President will be doing the dedication himself along with other phenomenal names being present. This will be one for the books for sure. Keep us in prayer as we travel there and back. Smooches

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I come first!

So, last night I went to partake in the Oprah's Lifeclass Webcast. While I was interviewed to actually speak on the show, many people that were picked did not get a chance to speak. The class flows much like a conversation you'd have with friends, which of course made the experience all the better. Oprah looks great in person, she was very down to earth, laid back and reminded you of an old girlfriend or aunt that you can talk to about anything. I had a picture of Oprah on my vision board and had meeting her in my bucket list. I removed her picture after she ended the Oprah Winfrey Show and decided okay maybe its not going to happen. I secretly still hoped it did and the opportunity presented itself. Partaking in that lifeclass has changed my life. While great things have been happening in my life anyway I know that there are more to come. I know the things that I teach or tell others have not been in vain and the threading that connects me to so many people is good thread and I leave a life touch regardless if I leave this earth today or years from now. I am thankful for that thread and the many lives it has tied me to. I also from now on will no longer sell myself short or play myself down so someone else can feel better about themselves. I fell victim to that daily! NO MORE! I was born to be greatness and tied to greatness and no one can interfere with that any longer. I also will start saying "no" more often.  Affirm+Action=Miracles and I'm ready for more miracles in my life.  Accountability is my theme and I'm holding myself and others accountable for their goals, actions, etc. If you need someone to help give you that extra push I am here for you as long as you are there for you first. Put God first but you come next.. once you have filled your cup, you are then able to pour into the lives of others. Are you committed to keeping your cup full? I am and I will help you! Smooches.