Monday, November 14, 2011

Days 18-21

As promised, just a couple days late...

Day 18 was about creating your bucket list if you didn't have one. I actually had one already but added to it.
I will share just a few things that are on my bucket list.  1) Travel to Italy, Greece, South Africa, Australia & Japan. 2) Dinner with Oprah 3) To take my mom wherever she wants to go for a month, even if different destinations. 4) Become a mother, a good one (of my own, since I inherited a daughter) 5) Work with David Tutera or Preston Bailey on an event. 6) To change the lives of many for the better.

Of course I have a few more but I wont share EVERYTHING lol.

Day 19 was reviving your love life whether you have one or not.

Hubby and I went out on a date, had some great conversation and just enjoyed each other. The exact details don't need to be told but we try to make sure the love life stays on fire! (giggling)

Day 20- Get rid of stuff you don't need
Some of you that follow me on FB or in general know that I was previously doing 21 days of decluttering so I had pretty much taken care of this assignment already. However, I did get rid of a few more papers that day and even some more clothes.  I am committing to not keeping anything that I don't need any longer. A lifecoach of mine previously stated that you don't have room to receive all of the new you've been requesting if you're still holding onto old "stuff" so I've promised myself to constantly purge the old.  You should try it. Feel lighter getting rid of all of it.

Day 21- Remove the negative people from your life...
Ha, this is something that I've been doing for about 3 years now if not longer but consistently trying to rid myself of the toxic in the past 3. I've had to rid myself of people that have been in my life for years and while I thought it was going to be extremely difficult to do it wasn't at all. I had prayed that God remove them for me and sure enough they slowly start fizzling out. Thank GOD! My life has been so much better since I have done this.  In the assignment she brought up that you might be your own debbie downer and in that case she suggested that

The Elephant in the Room: It is not lost on me that the negative person you need to purge from your life might be YOU. If you are your own personal Debbie Downer, here is a special modification for this exercise.

  • Take your notebook around with you today and make a list of all the instances where you express negativity or cynicism throughout the day - either with your thoughts, words or actions.
  • For each instance, explain why you said, thought or did what you did. Be honest. Were you jealous? Feeling depressed? Angry or annoyed?
  • For each instance, brainstorm what you could have said, thought or done instead. Could you have looked at the glass half-full? Saw the situation from the other person's point of view? Showed compassion instead of cattiness?
So... check yourself as well and constantly check those in your life, on your fb page, twitter, etc that are toxic to your well being/your spirit. Get rid of them as quickly as you can. 


1 comment:

  1. Great post.. I take some knowledge away from each one :)
