Friday, August 3, 2012


See why they put blinders on the horses!! You have to have LASER BEAM FOCUS!!! Distractions... people... cars... noise... BS and other mess that keeps you from going STRAIGHT on your path!! Get a pair!!! They are free... just CHOOSE #EXTRAORDINARY -scs

I've been making a lot of changes lately and even starting a new adventure in my life. I've been studying a lot and created a couple of challenges for future clients. I'm praying that this new path is an awesome one for my clients but for me as well. I have a couple people taking one of my challenges as we speak and I think, better yet I know it will be life changing for them.

I've done teen mentoring/coaching for 8+ years and I think now its time to help others. I'm planning to put my youth development business on hold for a year and focus on the ones who did participate individually. I even plan to do a tween/teen conference this year so that maybe I can reach more than the few I've had over the years. However, I am okay knowing that I have at least changed or impacted the life of one.

I've been stepping out on faith more and more as of late, the stronger it gets the more I step out on it. What's holding you back from stepping out into your dreams? Fear? Always remember that FEAR is not of God and can easily be remembered as False Evidence Appearing Real. Don't let fear keep you from reaching goals, making dreams a reality. This life we get on earth is short and we should live every day as the gift it is. Make a difference. Give of yourself and your talents. God gave you that gift for a reason.

Continue to keep me lifted in prayer as I step out and try to change as many lives as I can.

We may not agree always, we may not support the same things or believe the same things but one thing I can say is that I love you regardless.
