Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lack of Presence

So, yeah... I've been MIA for a little bit, not that I have many followers anyway I still desire to blog away. I've been blogging elsewhere but have decided to return here.

The last month or so has been what some may call weird for me. I've been working out more, eating healthier, trying to be a better wife and stepmom, friend and daughter and most importantly a better me! Those of you who do follow me know that that is my main be the best me possible all while helping others. I've been praying a lot lately as far as which direction I actually should be going. My hand is in a lot of pots and I've been saying how I truly need to focus on one and work it like no other. So..I've been pulling back from some and putting more energy into one. I am not sure that I can leave all of them completely but I have vowed to put 70% of my energy into one. With that being said I will begin to post more, to show more and hopefully spark your interest.

I've been putting myself on the back burner for some time and now plan to be a little more selfish, if that makes sense. I know that I can't give others anything if my own cup isn't full. How do I expect to pour into the lives of others being empty? It just simply can't happen.

I'm so very thankful for my husband, he's been supportive of me during this "foggy" time.  Moments of depression he quickly did what he could to get me out of it. I asked a few friends to pray for me and they did...I could feel it! Thank God for them, I'm feeling like myself again.

My event business is hosting a women's retreat/getaway in the upcoming months, it has me excited. I have asked some of my talented friends to be speakers at workshops during the event and fortunately they have all said yes and possibly work with me and make this into another business or women's group. I'm looking forward to what it all will bring. I even have vendors that are offering product samples, coupons or discount codes to all the attendees as well.  When God gives you a vision and you already have the gift and surrounded by who and what you need, you better just expect to work it and work it well. Just thought I'd share one of my future projects with the world. If you are interested, you can come join us. This weekend away will be pretty much covering all the components of the woman.  Somewhat of a get the fire going within type of function. I plan to blog about the process and the many other future events that are coming my way.

I wanted to include the video I watched that truly helped me put it all into perspective. I hope that you too will get something from it. Committing to being a better me, one idea at a time!

Over and out,

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