Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 14-17

Hello there...This has been saved in draft for a couple days, thought it was posted LOL.

I promise to actually catch up on my blogging. I had to do a baby shower this weekend and it took up most of my time all week trying to make sure everything was done properly.

Anywho.. day 14 was a day of rest and I definitely took advantage. I was also fasting with my church during that time so I ditched it all and read and went to bed early. IT was definitely good for my mind, body and soul.

Day 15- was all about redesigning your day. I definitely needed this exercise. I committed to making sure I eat a healthy breakfast in the mornings or just eat because I sometimes will skip breakfast. I also committed to a definite 30 minute workout, of course most days are more than that but that's my minimum. Packing more lunches, stop spending so much time surfing the net, getting to bed earlier and cutting down on my tv.  Yes, I have been actually following through.

Day 16-Conduct a time audit. - This showed too much. I saw that I was wasting a couple hours throughout the day where I was just on FB, Twitter or watching television. Spending too much time in other peoples stuff I guess. I've promised as I mentioned on day 16 that I am cutting out quite a bit of that and spending more time reading or doing something productive. Taking a time audit in your own lives may help you discover what's holding you back from fulfilling those dreams you have. We spend way too much time doing "nothing" and that time could be used towards fulfillment. Make those changes...

Day 17- Ditch TV for 24 hours.... I was excited that I actually did it! I thought for sure I was gonna have to watch some but I set up my show to be recorded and have now set aside some time during my week to watch my shows rather than everyday. I'm sure this will work to my advantage of working for myself full time in the very near future. Try it!



  1. You are doing such a great job on this journey of yours.. I'm proud of my lil / big sister lol.. keep up the awesome job.. I know you will share all your knowledge with us...

    Have a fantabulous day :)
